Why do women in other cultures have birthings almost entirely free of discomfort?

Teaching techniques for safe and more comfortable birthing through guided imagery, visualisation and special breathing.

HypnoBirthing. hypnobirthing

Testimonial: Our beautiful baby boy, Milo, was born this morning. We had the birth we'd always dreamed of. Peaceful, easy and in water at home, with just a bit of gas and air to help breathe him out. He born born in the membrane - it burst as he came out. Not a mark on him or me! We can only attribute our amazing experience to the HypnoBirthing method. I feel to privileged to have had such a magical, peaceful and fulfilling birth. Thank you for all your support and much love from us all. Ali

What is HypnoBirthing?

When having your baby with HypnoBirthing, what you will experience is similar to the daydreaming or focusing that occurs when you are engrossed in a book or staring at a fire. You will be conversant and in good spirits – totally relaxed, but fully in control. You will be aware of your body’s surges but you will be able to determine the extent to which you feel the surge. You will experience your birthing in an atmosphere of calm and relaxation, without fear and tension that causes pain. Your body’s natural anaesthesia (endorphins) will replace that stress hormones that create pain. When it’s time for your baby to be born, you will be fully awake and involved.

The HypnoBirthing Advantage

  • Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome before, during and after birthing.
  • Eliminates or greatly reduces the need for chemical painkillers.
  • Shortens the first stage of labour by several hours.
  • Eliminates fatigue during labour, leaving mother fresh, awake and with energy for actual birthing.
  • Eliminates risk of hyperventilation from ‘shallow’ breathing methods.
  • Promotes special bonding of mother, baby and birthing companion.
  • More rapid post-natal recovery.
  • Returns birthing to the beautiful, peaceful experience nature intended.
  • Creates a more integral role for the birthing companion.

  • What You Will Learn

    • Relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to eliminate the fear and tension that cause long labour and pain, replacing it with confidence, calm and comfort.
    • Other techniques to produce a shorter, more comfortable labour.
  • The creation and control of the body’s own natural anaesthesia.
  • The source of the myth that pain must accompany normal birthing.
  • Why women in other cultures have birthings almost entirely free of discomfort.
  • How the mother’s body is designed to work in neuro-muscular harmony with nature throughout labour.
  • Practice in deep relaxation during and between uterine surges.
  • The importance of prenatal and perinatal bonding.

  • What Parents Are Saying

    “Through teamwork with my husband, the breathing and relaxation exercises I did not even think to ask for pain relief. My son’s birth was just 3 ¼ hours long.”

    The nurses were shocked at how easily I was birthing and asked if others could come and view my relaxed state. HypnoBirthing was brilliant for me and I think everyone should be doing it.

    How could I believe when I had gone through, not one but two, long and excruciating labours? I was petrified. Then I found Hypnobirthing. This birth took four and a half hours. I was relaxed and comfortable all the way. It was wonderful.”

    “I was with my wife for the birth of our first child. It was a bad experience for us. Most of the techniques we practised from the other course just weren’t there for us. Hypnobirthing was far more than we had ever hoped for. Our daughter came into the world so easily and in such a calm atmosphere.”

    “I kept telling myself all I would feel is pressure – and it works. That’s all I did feel. What a difference from my first labour.”

    “I read of the advantages of self-hypnosis and relaxation in a magazine and set out to find a programme that could teach me the method. I’m so happy I found HypnoBirthing. This was our first baby and my active labour was only 3 hours from start to end.”

    “Professional Reactions

    <“I’ve been delivering babies for over 20 years, including my own: and I’ve never seen anything like this. Don’t tell my wife: she’ll want another baby”.
    - A N. H. Obstretician

    “This is just incredible. When I get pregnant, I’m coming to you”.
    - An OB/GYN Doctor

    “I’m impressed! I’m impressed! I’m impressed!. It’s wonderful”
    - An OB/GYN Doctor

    “This is the way all babies should come into the world”
    - An Obstetrical Nurse.

    For more information or to book an appointment, either telephone Carole Murray on 07748 292824 or email: hypnotic_solutions@hotmail.com